wokring on earth day poems

This week students in Mrs. DelToro's Hands-On Geography class have been learning about careers that have something to do with the environment.  This bunny trail was part of their Geocaching Unit as they were discovering what types of careers there are that use GIS and GPS systems.

Did you know post-secondary institutions are looking for high school graduates seeking a career pathway in Natural Resources?  RVMS 7th/8th grade students  discovered this week that careers in: forestry/forestry management, range/range conservation, wildlife specialist/conservationist, botany ecologist, fisheries ecologist, park ranger, land planner, and so many more Natural 

Resource careers are on the decline.  This is because students are not coming out of high school seeking these types of degrees.  

To wrap up our discoveries this week students created Earth Day agamographs and wrote their own Earth Day poems!

There was so much chatter and students helping students to understand how to place their agamographs on the colored paper, as well as students making suggestions for a word or words when they were writing their poems, even the creation of the bulletin board the students took charge!!  

Mrs. DelToro gave the students an option of putting their name on the front or the back, as they would be displayed in the hallway.  One student commented, "I am proud of the work I did on this, especially the poem I wrote, so, yes, I want to put my name on the front!"

April is also National Poetry Month.
