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If your student is allergic to any type of food and needs a modification for school breakfast or lunches, please fill out the Meal Modification form & return to the school office as soon as possible. This form needs to be updated each school year.
Kansas law requires all schools to obtain copies of the following records for student health files at the time of enrollment.
**Birth Certificate - may obtain a copy at Office of Vital Statistics if unable to find certificate at home.
**Immunization record - provide a copy or contact your Primary Care Physician to obtain a copy.
**Health Physical/Well Child Assessment - you may obtain a copy of the physical or well child assessment within the last year from your primary care physician. It is required to provide a physical for PK - 3 grade or up to the age of 10 years old in 4th grade. It is also required to provide a copy of the health assessment for all grades if it will be the first time a student attends a Kansas school.
Please direct any questions you may have to Amy Mosier BSN, RN - USD #337 District Nurse; mosiera@rv337.org.
If your child does not have one or more of these on file with Amy Mosier, please get that information turned in to your child's school as soon as possible. Thanks!
All athletes must have a signed concussion form and physical form on file with their school in order to participate in sports and some activities. This forms must be signed by the athlete and parent(s) every school year. You can click the links below to download the forms.
The American Lung Association has developed a FREE online asthma education module that will provide important basic asthma information for parents and care givers of children with asthma. Topics include your child's asthma, their medications and possible triggers. If your child has asthma, we encourage you the check out this link.
Lets keep our kids safe!
Marian Dental works to improve the health of people and communities, especially the ones in need. They provide high quality and complete care for all patients. Take advantage of this great opportunity! Keep on smiling!
All information about this opportunity for the Royal Valley community can be found in the graphic on this article.
It is flu season and the power to prevent the flu is in your HANDS! It is always important to get a flu shot as well. Practicing the 4 Principles of Hand Awareness will ensure wellness and good health.
WASH your hands when they are dirty and before eating
DO NOT cough into your hands, instead use your elbow
DO NOT sneeze into your hands
DO NOT put your fingers in your eyes, nose, or mouth
If your child catches the flu it is important to be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school to prevent spreading.
If you have any further questions, please contact school Nurse Amy at mosiera@rv337.org.
Results for Vision and Hearing Screenings
Each year the Royal Valley School Nurse conducts vision and hearing screenings for students in Kindergarten and in grades 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11. This year parents/guardians will find the results of these screenings on their student’s PowerSchool screen. On PowerSchool, please go to the Applications section and click on Caredox. Under Caredox click on the Screenings tab, then choose Auditory or Vision Screening to see the results.
At present, middle school screenings are complete. Screenings are still being done at the elementary and high school. If your student does not pass the screening, a referral will either be sent home with the student or mailed to the parent. No paper results will be sent home with students who pass. If you have questions, please contact Nurse Amy at 986-6286.
Immunization Reminders
As a reminder, it is recommended that all students in 5th or 6th grade get a TDaP (tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis) booster shot. This booster is REQUIRED in 7th grade. Also, ACIP highly recommends the following vaccines, but they are not required for school entry.
HPV (Human Papillomavirus) vaccine: 3 doses are recommended at age 11 years. HPV is a cancer prevention vaccine!
Meningococcal (Meningitis) vaccine: One dose is recommended at age 11 with a booster dose to follow at age 16.
Influenza (flu) vaccine: Annual vaccination is recommended for all those 6 months of age and older.
The Drug Enforcement Administration announces the launch of the all new GetSmartAboutDrugs.com, a drug education website for parents, educators, and caregivers.
First launched in 2008, the website has been totally redesigned for easier navigation and has updated drug information and resources.
Please visit the website, www.getsmartaboutdrugs.com to learn more about:
Marijuana use and drugged driving;
How to identify drug paraphernalia;
Why Spice/K2 is a serious drug trend;
How your school can be involved in Red Ribbon Week; and
National Prescription Take Back Day (September 27, 2014).
USD 337 has purchased an accident insurance policy which covers all students. The benefits provided are secondary to the student's family insurance. If a student is injured during school time, while on a bus, or at a school activity, the student should notify his or her teacher, coach, sponsor or principal immediately. Students must be treated by a licensed medical physician within sixty (60) days from the date of the injury.
The policy contains a provision limiting coverage to usual and customary charges. This limitation may result in additional out-of-pocket expenses for the insured.
If a student receives medical treatment from a licensed physician, the parent must request a claim form from the school. The claim form must be completed by the parents and submitted to the insurance company within ninety (90) days from the date of the injury. There are limits on the types of services and the amount of coverage provided. Copies of the complete policy are available in the school offices and below.
Under KSA 72-5209, K.A.R. 28-1-20, and KSA 72-5214 students entering school must provide evidence of immunizations and the results of a physical health assessment. Hepatitis B and Varicella vaccinations will be required for all kindergarten and 1st grade students. All returning students will be required to have either immunizations current according to state guidelines or have on file a Medical Exemption for Immunizations signed by a physician.
Remember, if you have a student whose last DTaP was done 10 years ago, he/she will need to have an Adult Tetanus booster completed and on file with his/her attendance center.